Innovation School Product Design

Xinyue Hu

My starting point is to be creative and innovate. Combining ideas of nature and science, I started my exploration of new ways to experience the world, interact with others, and make changes to our living environment. By applying knowledge from multi-disciplines such as psychology, geography, and astronomy, I want to design a future living style where we can live in harmony with nature. Through my designs I aim to provoke new thinking about “how do we live and our connection to the world”.

A Self-Communication Journey: OIA OC
Underground Dining Experience in Egypt: Fresh Underground

A Self-Communication Journey: OIA OC

OIA OC is a self-playing board game for young people to release stress and worry resulting from future uncertainty. The board game is designed base on Viktor Frankl’s psychological theory “self-detachment” which suggests a positive thinking method by detaching from themselves and the situation. The game is going to help players to discover a different angle to face current difficulties by jumping out of their fixed thinking patterns, through exploring suggestion cards with 4 topics: “interaction with people and environment”, “sense and observe the world”, “make a decision”, and “attitude towards future”.

Before and After Playing

User Journey Map

Suggestion Cards

To start the game- choose four Suggestion Cards (one from each colour) according to image and name on cards. The Orange: interaction with people and environment The Green: sense and observe the world The Purple: make a decision The Blue: attitude towards future

Suggestion Stickers

Double side Cards stick on the board, with an image side and a description side. During the game players is going to look for matched Suggestion Stickers to their Suggestion Cards, and read description on the stickers.

Build Your Own Character in the Game

Underground Dining Experience in Egypt: Fresh Underground

Fresh Underground is a designed alternative solution to access and use groundwater in Egypt. The infrastructure is located about 100 meters under Cairo. Including a hydroponic growing space, a market space, and a dining area. The aim of this system is to help against water shortage in Egypt, and providing fresh water and food for local residents.

Underground Infrastructure

Map of Fresh Underground Markets in Egypt

customer's journey

farmer's journey