MSA Stage 3 School of Architecture

Jere Suominen

I am a RIBA Part 1 Architectural Assistant looking for placement. The fundamental driver in my design process is the community around the site and the project. I have a great interest in using materials in a creative way and creating playful spaces, that awakes the sense of exploration in people navigating through them. This must be achieved without compromising sustainable aspects of the design, which I believe should be prioritized in every design.

UFEx Applecross
UFEx Questionnaire

Collaborative Work
From Seed to Mouth Video

Central Corridor Perspective (B)


A summary of the key spaces/activities within the scheme.

Section perspective A-A - Day

Section perspective A-A - Night

Long section B-B

Section perspective C-C

Section perspective D-D

South Elevation

Perspective from top of the site - facing south towards Glasgow city centre

Landscape plays a massive part in the design. Entering the site from North-side provides a view of a specifically designed park with plenty of local greenery, glancing at Glasgow city centre in the background. The building itself, however, is not yet visible, which feeds the idea of hierarchy between nature and built environment.

Perspective from top of the Hub

This view shows the path that navigates on top of the Hub building. The building 'opens up' to the viewer, uncovering the Glulam-supported openings on the slopy site that cannot be seen after walking past them.


UFEx Applecross provides opportunities for social events and gatherings. The Bar Boat travels between Maryhill and Applecross, and through four different stops people can jump in or out of the boat. As the canal has previously lacked in hospitality sector, this is an attempt to brign the surroundings of the canal back to life. The central social space on the site is pictured here. The already existing, protected Rockvilla House is being turned into a Creative Hub, which can work symbiotically with UFEx to turn the site into a centre of culture. This very space is surrounded by most of the activities the site offers, which gives visitors, pedestrians walking by, and users of the buildings a shared space to gather in.

Key perspective from across the canal

UFEx Applecross

UFEx Applecross connects local growing spaces for vegetables into a Community Hub, where the vegetables are produced, celebrated and exchanged in a cultural centre. The UFEx offers agricultural and horticultural learning opportunities and teaches people how to cultivate the produce from seed all the way into delicious and healthy meals. The scheme includes a canal boat converted into a floating bar, which transports people along the canal. This acts as a vessel for community and cultural growth by serving healthy food alongside beverages produced in the Hub. The bar boat together with a café and a market space transforms the site into centre for social activities, bringing the canal to life.
The design is hugely driven by a survey conducted by our research group of three students. The 73 responses we gathered suggested that greenery should be preserved, and the landscape of the site is important and could be improved. Therefore, the building is designed to be a part of the landscape itself, thus celebrating biodiversity and nature over built environment. The paths twisting around the building encompassing the green roofs create a small public park that encourages active social events, and communicates the environmental approach taken for the project.

Site plan

Design development

UFEx Questionnaire

From Seed to Mouth Video