Innovation School Product Design

Bethany Lloyd (She/Her)

Hello, my name is Bethany Lloyd. I am a multi-disciplinary designer who is interested in making a change and impact on social issues through human centered design. I enjoy pushing myself into being exposed to topics which are typically shied away from due to being classed as taboo, bringing to light the pain points and the social issues that are hidden and giving them a voice.

During my self initiated project’s in third and fourth year at the Glasgow School of art, I have been keen to work with people through collaborative design and user research to gain a deeper understanding of the type of solution which is needed to be designed through real experiences.

After four years at the Innovation School, I have been exposed to many different design practices such as service design, human centered design and speculative design. These being a select few types of design which are evident to my progression as a designer.  Moving forward from my education, I am keen to develop these methods of design into real life social issues and make a change in people’s lives.



Plant Pulse
Let’s Talk

Plant Pulse


Positive psychology well-being and fundamental happiness.” – Bruce Harp


“Beyond the visual identity” – Lynn-Sayers McHattie


“Independence and resilience through nature”Kate Gallacher


Plant pulse is inspired from the need of increased well-being in Azores in 2030. This projects circulates the existing interactions with plants and the positive psychological effect they can have on our mental state. The quotes above are extracted from expert sessions which provoked questions and thoughts about the structure that plant pulse would take in the world of Azores and proposed the key value of a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature to increased well-being by enhanced interactions. These were the key entry points into my research of nature.

Plant Pulse lives in Azores, it is a device which helps residents connect deeper with nature through a symbiotic relationship with humans and plants. Plant Pulse allows you to feel more connected to nature whilst simultaneously heightening well-being through a release of endorphins when haptic feedback is released by touching plants. This device partners with an app which allows you to replay your interactions and build a library of their experiences with nature. Here, you can also learn which plants you have interacted with.

The value of this device in Azores is to recognise the un-noticed need for greenspace in the area the residents of Azores live in and the positive effect it can have on their wellbeing. By bringing people closer to interacting with nature in a more intimate way through haptic feedback allows them to notice this need for greenspace in their environment.

User interacting with Plant Pulse app

User experiencing an increaseed wellbeing through Plant Pulse with a mutual symbiotic relationship with human and plants.

Bioplastic's is the material the device will be made from

Let’s Talk


Let’s Talk was inspired by my sisters experience of her miscarriage and the main acknowledgement on how I never found out until months after it happened. This sparked my interest in the grey area of why the topic of miscarriages is so shied away from in today’s society.

This emerging theme of isolation and a lack of communication was prominent through my research through anonymous surveys with woman who have experienced miscarriages. Due to the importance of this topic, I structured my research around qualitative data that was human centred, putting there best interests first. The research stage was constructed through collaborative workshops, interviews and user testing to understand the participants experiences on a personal level.

The key themes that emerged from my research was : there was a lack of open conversation around miscarriages, there is a lack of implemented education in schools for children aged 16+ and that the northern culture are more enclosed about delicate issues and tend to isolate ourselves.

This inspired Let’s Talk, with the value being a key theme that was a pain point in a woman’s  journey of a miscarriage. This key theme being a lack of open conversation around miscarriages.

The below quotes are extracts from interviews and expert sessions which shaped the direction of my research into the structure of opening conversation.



“ When I do paper making workshops, it sometimes makes people to open up about there life without realising. Especially difficult topics. “ – Dierdre Nelson

“I really wish I was more prepared for this, they should be educating us on this to prepare for later life” – Anonymous

“We aren’t educated directly on how to cope and support people with miscarriages it’s generalised into compassion and being empathetic in differing circumstances” – NHS Midwife

“When I phoned triage and told midwife’s they confirmed I was having one and that basically was it. No support offered.” – Anonymous

“I kept quiet, I didn’t tell anyone for a few months except for keeping document of my thoughts until finally telling when my family noticed how closed off I became.” – Anonymous



Let’s Talk is an engagement tool which aids healthy conversation around the topic of miscarriage in an individual’s chosen safe space. It allows them to share their experience with who they feel comfortable with whilst simultaneously sculpting through the art of self-expression. This targets a pain point that was prominent in my research: isolation and lack of conversation around the topic of miscarriage.

Let’s Talk main aim is to allow woman to connect to those around them about their journey and find beauty within it. This project was inspired by art therapy and child’s play. Using these forms of play to relax individuals into this experience and begin their journey of opening up and educating those around them about what they went through.

Live capture of sculpting through self expression

Lets Talk guidance booklet

An individuals sculpture created through self expression of miscarriage journey