Painting & Printmaking School of Fine Art

Anya Hall (She/Her)

Smears photographed through the Marram Grass

Anya Hall is a multidisciplinary artist who explores themes of her own existence, through the lens of her own consciousness and physical body and is currently working and living in Glasgow. Her work often involves material explorations into paint, oils, wax, sand, glass and textiles .

With our fingers and foreheads pressed to the glass, we look through windows seeking glimpses of the outside… and daydream, floating between our body and our consciousness we travel from one to the other. We stare into the void as we allow our minds to drift, all the while still witnessing through our vessel’s portal into ‘reality’. Our senses tether us to the world and their use brings us back, gently easing our pain.

Exploring the phenomenological and transcendental through my own human experience here in this landscape, this body, and this mind. I have found myself intrigued by the separation of my physical and mental place and the disparity between where they reside and how these three elements affect one another.

Anya's Website
‘Smudges’ and ‘Smears’
‘Carved into the Dunes’
‘Unsightly Marks and Greasy Fingerprints’
Smears photographed through the Marram Grass

‘Smudges’ and ‘Smears’

My oily marks left on car windows playfully explore the boundaries through which we observe the world, often through glass.

Pawing at the windows, I stared out, the landscape slipping by out of focus, a constant stream. My breath covered the windows as I etched into the condensation a smiley face. I knew I would later be told off for leaving my ‘grubby’ fingermarks on the car window. I slumped back into my seat and stared again into the distance.

Smears photographed through the Marram Grass


Oil on Car Window, 60 x 100cm, 2022


Oil on Car Window, 60 x 100cm, 2022
Detailed image of pale pink textured marks of fingertips on cool pale green car window shaped glass


Oil on Car Window, 60 x 100cm, 2022
For Sale: Price on Request, £400


Oil on Car Window, 60 x 100cm, 2022
For Sale: Price on Request, £400

‘Carved into the Dunes’

'Carved into the Dunes'

Sand and Marram Grass, 2022

'Carved into the Dunes'

Sand and Marram Grass, 2022

'Carved into the Dunes'

Sand and Marram Grass, 2022

'Carved into the Dunes'

Sand and Marram Grass, 2022

‘Unsightly Marks and Greasy Fingerprints’

'Unsightly Marks and Greasy Fingerprints'

Oil on Glass, 200 x 120cm, 2022

'Unsightly Marks and Greasy Prints'

Oil on Glass, 200 x 120cm, 2022

'Unsightly Marks and Greasy Fingerprints'

Oil on Glass, 200 x 120cm, 2022

'Unsightly Marks and Greasy Fingerprints'

Oil on Glass, 200 x 120cm, 2022
For Sale: Price on Request, £2000