Yue Hu (She/Her)
I am a graphic designer who embraces the physical and hands-on processes of making. My practice takes in everything related to the printed matter: editorial design, typography, and printmaking. I use my practice to reflect upon and process the world as I experience it— digging into ideas behind the mundane, the commonplace, and presenting them anew.
A to THE
What makes A pair of shoes become THE pair of shoes? My answer is by walking in them. Through my practice in typography, composition, and letterpress text, I saw the two words WALK and SHOES as images, scripting a storybook which examines my interpretation of being in a culture as defined in Debord’s The Society of The Spectacle as “moving from being to having and having to appearing”. This project aimed to explore how text and letters could be used as images to create a more poetic, concise, and imaginative scene.
A to THE
The development of letterpress printing works
A to THE
The hand-binding storybook
This was an intro practice before the main project A to THE I developed during Stage 3. I explored how texture could work as an extra language in image-making by experimental screenprinting.
The subject Tree chosen was inspired by a trip to Oban during the summer vacation. When I was on the train, sitting beside the window, I was so deeply attracted by the big bunch of wildly-growing trees passing by. The energetic vast green was touching. I want to show their beauty and mystery to make people re-aware of the nature around us.
Have Fun with Types!
Some selected sketchbook pages about my type design practices. I love the vibrant textures brought by different mixed mediums and tools, adding richer meaning to the texts.