Xueying Wang
Xueying Wang is a multidisciplinary visual artist working through sculpture video and installation. Her most recent projects are interested in the contemporary political battlegrounds that are shrinking along with technological developments, and the disparate power structures in the online world. Through self-tracking, her work illustrates the situation of a ‘user’ who lacks technical skills in the world of the Internet.
A Map of Ten Minutes
This work is made up of three videos, three videos that map the same situation in three dimensions from three perspectives. It is an index, a trace of my thoughts in those ten minutes, a map of what my body was doing and how my computer was watching me. It reflects the relationship between the body and technology, the interplay between bodily experience and the virtual worldand the state of technology as a prosthesis of the body.
Faceprint is a digitally recorded representation of a person’s face, which is as individual as a fingerprint. I exported my facial information from the 3D scan in 2D and 3D modes (in .png and .stl file formats) and saved the files to my USB flash drive. This is a useless little attempt to maintain my privacy.
Welcome to My Desktop
As digital technology has changed the way we store our memories, the desktop has become a more private and personal realm. I set my desktop as an exhibition space, inviting you to visit, and I block out the feedback from the other side of the screen, simulating an unthinking voluntary surrender of privacy. When I am in a situation where there is the possibility of being gazed at, I don’t think I would be as comfortable using the computer as I normally am, a set of self-censorship rules is automatically completed the moment I know I am being gazed at.