Lynne Grier

I am a Scottish interior designer interested in how the narrative we lend to spaces and objects transcends. I am particularly influenced by Japanese culture and design and my work this year has focused on creating a commercial museum space which considers Japanese design alongside my own kokeshi doll making practice. I enjoy creating a strong aesthetic in my work through colour and materiality and I like to work in hand drawn sketches and Procreate.

Kokeshi Museum
The Kokeshi museum project was about bringing an interior journey to a space with no interior, the proposal being to stack and alter shipping containers and place them into St Andrews Street, Glasgow.
The kokeshi museum tells the story of the Japanese kokeshi doll from the endo period to the modern day, incorporating traditional Japanese materials while remaining sympathetic to the Glasgow surroundings and shipping container environment.
The museum is an interactive and inspiring experience hosting its own kokeshi painting studio on the top floor, alongside a Japanese streetscape on the exterior of the museum.