Louis Syed-Anderson
Within my recent work, I have been concerned with how my practice can stand as a constantly evolving document of my perception of the environments that I navigate. With a focus on the physical materiality of these places, I am interested in the marks of human interaction left behind, and the remnants of the past ingrained within them. I translate my understanding of these spaces through process – realising my practice through multimedia installation-based work, in particular. I want the viewer to experience, physically navigate and perceive my work in their own way – echoing the way that I interact with these spaces from which I draw inspiration.
I pay close attention to the history and depth of temporality ingrained in various sites – particularly within the material landscape. In the context of my practice-based and wider research, I have considered the physical existence of matter, and its ability to reveal history ingrained in the materiality of place. Moreover, I have begun to explore interrelations between human and non-human matter, and our inextricable link to ‘memory objects’ within which our history is encapsulated.
Degree Show Installation 2022
Within my exhibition space, I have constructed and curated my own floor-based ‘landscape’, as well as spatially engaging with the physical architecture of the space. Influenced by the architectural structures and materials of the urban landscape, my designs emulate the experience of navigating through these kind of spaces, echoing both the contours and structural forms of the urban environment. As visitors enter my space, they are encouraged to freely navigate my installation, gaining their own experience through their interaction with it. Throughout my installation, the viewer can delve into my work, with prints placed across different heights and surfaces on the arms of my structures. Running throughout my installation is a close focus on temporality and history, drawn from the materiality of the land and artefacts that are ingrained with traces of the past. Engaging with both deep time as well as human and personal histories, I seek to uncover this depth of history inherent within their physical matter. The traces of human presence embedded in our physical surroundings is something that fascinates me, and it draws me to explore and uncover it through detailed photographic and wider exploration. Realising these ideas through my practice, I have drawn together a set of works that explore this cross section of histories and experiences.