School of Fine Art Sculpture & Environmental Art

Lorna Kerr (she/her)

My practice explores nostalgia, human’s relationship with the natural world, and the power of participation. I create ephemeral events that encourage the viewers to become part of the work. My work provides experiences where an alternate reality allows a space for play. I’m interested in breaking down traditional boundaries between spectator and creator and moving towards a collaborative practice.

My work often materialising as installations, murals, costumes and interactive sculpture, where the viewers are invited to enter an imagined reality. I aim to challenge and abolish barriers found in everyday life that prevent the creation of a space and time for adult play. My practice is socially driven, I strive to work with projects that use art to promote positive change within local communities, with a particular focus on the power of children’s creativity.

Blow The Cobwebs Off Of Your Careless Soul
The Secret Garden
Movable Murals

Blow The Cobwebs Off Of Your Careless Soul

Interactive Installation

Emulsion, birch ply, Stinging Nettles (Song by Beans on Toast ) and recycled fabric.

320 x 272 x 43cm



This work exists as a scared site, providing a space for intimate and meaningful connection between participants. The piece aims to break down traditional boundaries between spectator and creator. It creates a live experience whereby the physical involvement of an audience complete the work.

Seeking to explore ideas of ephemerality, our relationship with the natural world and the freedom of childhood, ’Blow The Cobwebs Off Of Your Careless Soul’ is as a portal to infinite realms of existence where unrestricted play and imagination are encouraged.

The Secret Garden

Outdoor exhibition at Braeside Community Garden in Glasgow,

This exhibition combined a selection of works from my final year at the Glasgow School of Art. Everyone was invited to interact with the costumes and sculptures if an effort to turn individuals into a community by providing a shared experience. The event demonstrated how gathering  an audience can create a space that allows for connections and conversations between people, artist and artwork.

Movable Murals

In collaboration with The Alasdair Gray Archive and Glasgow Primary Schools

“I was delighted to discover … that our galaxy contained an unknown number of other worlds where perhaps anything I could imagine might happen”

Alasdair Gray

The Alasdair Gray Archive was established in March 2020 after his death in 2019. In addition to a collection of Gray’s original visual artworks, The Archive also holds a restaging of his studio set up, a section of his personal library and all Gray publications. The Archive aims to promote, protect and advance visual and literary arts for the public benefit.

Working with The Archive, Lorna explored the passion Gray had for literature, and its ability to transport us to magical worlds. In response to this archival research, this educational resource was developed that tasked children with illustrating their own portal to an imagined land. Four local schools were invited to use the resource, and the resulting artworks were developed into this painting. The project is currently ongoing with additional collaborative paintings in development.

The project aims to explore Gray’s passion for collaboration and community whilst educating and inspiring young artists. The collaborative work utilises children’s carefree spirit and imagination to explore the power of literature and art.