Leonie Brüggenwerth (She/ Her)
Leonie is a multilingual student at the Mackintosh School of Architecture with diverse experience in creative industries having worked in both Berlin and Paris within Set Design now refocussing on Architecture and Interior Design.
‘Glasgow’s history is in making, in craftsmanship. Its legacy is in buildings.’
Toby Webster
My project creates a new civic building and space for the Barras Markets in Calton, Glasgow. Museums have the power to create unity on both a social and political level, helping to integrate communities together. Local museums are able to provide a sense of community and place by celebrating a collective heritage, offering a great way to get to know the history of a particular area.
The benefits of such museum are that the local community can learn and understand their history, arts, culture helping to engrain pride and community ownership. There are various scientific museums which impart knowledge to the people even from the nontechnical fields such as the Glasgow Science Centre which has 350,000 visitors a year, bringing a series of local benefits, both monetarily and emotionally. Museums can increase our sense of wellbeing, help us feel proud of where we have come from, can inspire, challenge and stimulate us, and make us feel healthier. With society facing issues such as poverty, inequality, intolerance and discrimination, museums can help us understand, debate, and challenge these concerns. This is no more relevant than in the Carlton area which is one of the most deprived in Glasgow and Scotland with one of the lowest life expectancy of 54 compared with over 80 in other areas surrounding Glasgow. Lower than that of war torn Gaza Strip at the time.
The design consists of spaces that accommodate creative practices, exhibitions and allowing for spaces to gather under a roof that covers and extends the market.This museum celebrates the Barras that has a heritage of 100 years of market culture. Celebrating the Barras Market is key to the designs, giving recognition and value to the site through the museum design via the use of clay and fabric which were historically used in Calton.Again, linking to the historical past and present of Barra will be recognised by extending the market space with a covered roof. The museum also celebrates the act of making creating and crafting, into the public realm, this process can become the performance itself and is designed to accommodate up to 300 people.