Harriet Dunlop

I am a human-centred designer with a strong interest in user experience. Discovery and speculative thinking are key elements of my creative process. Whilst studying at GSA, my most enjoyable projects were those which entailed collaboration or enabled me to experiment with new technologies. My final projects reflect my passion to create new opportunities which can deliver significant and lasting social impact to create a better world.

Symbiotic Realities
Working as a group, the project Future Experiences required us to research, develop and present a 2031 future world that enabled Symbiosis through the domain of health and an environment-centred perspective. Using our future world as a reference, we had to individually select an aspect to develop into and design a product, experience or service through an environment-centred perspective with the domain of health maintaining a symbiotic relationship.
Based within a Biophilic City in 2031, Symbiotic Realities is located within the botanical gardens and brings nature to life for young people through an immersive and educational virtual reality experience.
Using virtual reality and all the user’s senses, Symbiotic Realities takes a user through various ecosystems in nature helping them to understand the effects climate change has on the environment in a fast-forwarded setting.
The playful and immersive experience rebuilds a user’s emotional connection to nature which promotes individual changes within communities which has a further future impact of helping the environment’s health globally.
Project Links
Food Waste is one of the biggest impacts on climate change, with a staggering number of 1.3 Billion Tonnes of Food being thrown away globally per year equating to 8% of global greenhouse gases. It is not only food that is wasted but also the energy produced during the production, processing, transporting and cooking stages, having an even larger impact on the natural environment around us.
Within the UK, 70% of food waste is produced from households alone, with 18-34-year olds throwing away proportionately more food than any other age group. Students aged 18-25 were the most concerned about climate change but didn’t know the impact that Food Waste could have on the planet.
In 2027 where gas is rationed and food is becoming scarce, unaffordable and more and more people and its production unsustainable, Foodships is a green powered and accessible service that aims to provide healthy, tasty and nutritious meals for those in need by transforming food from students that would otherwise be thrown away.
The service and meals created can build better relationships through engaging communities inspires a social and behavioural change for individuals surrounding the topic of food waste. Foodships focuses on reducing food waste to better the environment and teaches users how every part of a fruit or vegetable can be eaten instead of being thrown away through progressive and unexpected weekly menus.
Save it, Share it. Foodships.