Elisa Pierrisnard (she/they)

Glasgow Culinary Institute
Bringing together the community of North Glasow, the Glasgow Culinary Institue provides a hub to exchange knowledge skills and experiences.
The site will operate in conjunction with Anniesland Vertical Farm, who’s location along the canal network prives viable access and transportation of produce along the canal landscape. The Institute is composed of 3 facilities, the primary Academia building for the students, the Community Hub for the public and the Residence to accommodate the students.
The proposal values the theme of interconnectedness; geographically and individually. Black Walnut and Scottish Oak timber cladding provides a contemporary twist on the existing context and culture. Paired with dense concrete blocks and sun- breakers amongst the various environmental strategies implemented, the proposal enables natural heat to be maximised and prioritises energy efficiency throughout the campus. Landscaping and existing routes allows for a natural flow of pedestrians through the site and connects the campus to the city centre as well as the rest of the canal network.