Aidan Rabbitt (He/Him)

I’m Aidan, a Glasgow/Manchester based Interior Designer with a conscientious approach to ensure every element of design is valued equally. Working considerably with morals and ethics, it’s always been important for me to ensure my interiors tell a story to the user, informing, educating and serving the community of which the space is designed for. I have chosen a personal approach for my final project, focusing on the LGBTQIA+ community. Using my own experience with discrimination and suppression, I have designed an
environment that my former self and many other people in a similar place would benefit from.
This page shows a glimpse of my project; however, you can find my full portfolio in the links below.
Inside Out City Forum

Inside Out City Forum
Inside Out City forum aims to unify and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ Community. Combining the make-up of a traditional library with a touch of modernity, this stimulating environment will actively encourage individuals to learn about queer history and culture. Inside Out will house a selection of social and educational spaces, catering to people of all ages and social groups. The forum hopes to subvert the long-standing perception of a queer safe space being nightclubs, or somewhere that involves alcohol, drugs or a performative aspect. It will be a teetotal daytime space where all people can meet authentically without restriction or pressure.
Upon entering inside this welcoming daytime space, the physiological defences that have been built overtime by the LGBTQIA+ community after a long history of violence, ridicule and discrimination begin to ease. Professor and feminist Diana fuss quoted in her book Inside/ out, “This opposition of public and private, upon which sexual binaries like male/female and heterosexual/homosexual crucially depend, is itself grounded on the prior spatial dualism, inside/outside”. Breaking down the metaphysics that society has forced upon us, Inside Out community forum will encourage users to create their own identities, opinions and form more authentic relationships with likeminded individuals. This inclusive space will inspire people to learn more about LGBTQIA+ history and culture from the foundation up.
Project Links

A Walk Through History

Communal Cafe Space

Reflection Hall

Mezzanine Library

Exhibition Library

Creative Studio Hub

Childrens Library

Family Wall

Modular Gallery Space

Reading Room